Who We Are and What We Do
OneFamily’s goal is to support and empower victims of terror and bereaved families, so that they can achieve their emotional and financial independence, and successfully reintegrate into society.
We are ONE unique FAMILY of professionals, volunteers, donors, and the VICTIMS and SURVIVORS of terror attacks in Israel since 2000 — bereaved, maimed and traumatized — who suffer from physical pain and trauma.
IMMEDIATE RESPONSE: Following a terror attack, OneFamily rushes to meet the urgent physical and emotional needs of the victims and their families.
CONTINUED SUPPORT: We provide a comprehensive blend of therapeutic programs, and financial, legal and medical assistance, tailor-made for each family member, and delivered in our hallmark “family” atmosphere of trust and togetherness.
ONGOING REHABILITATION FOR PTSD: We offer an array of therapeutic programs designed for orphans, bereaved parents and siblings, widows and widowers, and the wounded themselves.
ADVOCACY: OneFamily advocates for and assists victims in accessing entitlements from government and official sources.
Interview with Naomi Nussbaum, Executive Director Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy
OneFamily Today

We remain devoted to all victims of terror in Israel. Since our inception in October 2001, we have helped more than 7,500 families and invested more than $70 million into their recovery.
Our Brochure
This is a great brochure to share with family and friends to demonstrate the activities of OneFamily. Click this link to download our PDF brochure.

Jerusalem Post Report
Please click here to read the Jerusalem Post’s insert on how OneFamily helps victims of terrorism find each other and, as a result, learn to live life again.