Heirlooms: Memory and Cherished Objects
OneFamily has published a book that’s very relevant to our time of Covid-19. You or someone you know may have experienced a recent loss. The newly released book entitled Heirlooms: Memory and Cherished Objects, is a travel photography memoir written by visual artist Jay Garfinkel.
In his new book he interviews 33 families who lost somebody to terrorism and helps select a family heirloom. The book features the photography of heirlooms chosen by the family. The subtitle of the book Memory and Cherished Objects was selected, says Garfinkel, because “the person we have lost will not make any new memories, so we need to create a space for them in our life. Heirlooms create a space where memory happens.”
Garfinkel knows loss. After his only son died of heart disease two years ago, he started the OneFamily Memory and Cherished Objects project. This book should be read by anybody who knows someone or has experienced a sudden, tragic loss. The reader will discover how Israeli families handled their tragic loss. It’s a model for facing life’s challenges with resilience and optimism.
Anyone making a $300 donation or more can receive a free copy of Heirlooms, while supplies last. Please give us your address within the US, and let us know if you would like the book in English or Hebrew. Contact USoffice@onefamilyfundus.org with any questions.